its been quite a while, but honestly, im not freaking. kindof, because i broke the whole pattern of posting everyday or at least at every single oppurtunity i could, but not so much on an emotional level. probably because things are going well, amazingly. i havent felt like this before. which is extremely cliche and i realize that, but its one of those feelings that makes you want to get out of bed at five oclock and get to school early just to talk to that someone. in my case, mil. one of those feelings that lingers, and makes everything, no matter how mundane, exciting, because you know theres someone who wants to hear all about everything. someone who wants to hear every detail about your days, whos fascinated with every part of really is wonderful. and i still cant believe that i found someone like that. seriously, i mentioned him in a post when i met him. and now, less than a month later....
not much happened last week, as far as wednesday is concerned at least. the poetry reading went great. school was a half day on thursday, and then me and mom and jackie chilled around the house and cleaned. my room recieved a much needed cleaning. friday, we shopped. and i got some cute stuff. then we took my dad out for dinner for his birthday, which is actually tomorrow, but hes in arizona. then i spent the night at caylins with her and steph. we watched some movies [silent hill and se7en are both scary as hell. my goodness. i dont recommend watching them without guys, which is what we did.] and chilled. then went to caylins volleyball thingy. then i had to go home by myself. but i was pretty freaked out. so i called mil, and we talked for about...4 hours. sunday, we didnt leave the house, so i had a disney marathon. alice in wonderland is so trippy. and beauty and the beast remains my favorite one, the little mermaid a close second.
monday was probably the most amazing day of my entire life. i went over to mils house at like 11ish, and we hung out til like 4. he asked me to be his girlfriend, so we're definatly official :] ohhh wow. get details from me if i love you. all i can say is wow. i think i found a keeper. hes just so amazing, and it was so unexpected. i found something good.
yesterday and today; school. ive been quite keyed up, so i havent been sleeping that well, but i think its a good thing. because ive been lying awake thinking happy thoughts about someone that i may or may not love but definately have some strong feelings for. yknow. halloween is the day after tomorrow, and apparently im too old to trick or treat so i think that mil is coming over here to pass out candy with me. then, arrianas party on saturday. im definately pumped. and i know i say this kind of a lot, but damn, my life is good.
love, kaatie
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4 years ago