today at school there was a motivational speaker instead of homeroom and activity period. not going to lie, he was probably the most inspiring person ive ever heard speak in my entire life. his story was so touching that i cried, and it really made me want to change for the better. he talked about forgiveness and moving forward in your life, which really hit home because of the way things are with my mom. after his presentation, im willing to let everything go and just work on forming a better relationship with her. i kind of wish that she heard him speak too, though. actually, i think everyone should hear this guy speak once in their life. yeah, hes that good. maybe we should elect him president, if barack obama doesnt work out. speaking of my man obama, im super jazzed that he won the election. but my dad was saying something about his bailout plan affecting my ability to go to Pratt for college because i wont be able to get student loans to pay for it. which would REALLY piss me off. no lie. so now, even though obama won and ive been for him from the beginning, im a little uneasy. i mean, its waay exciting that im consiously living through such a historic election. i dont mean that hes the first african american president, even though thats why people are calling it historic. i dont give a damn if hes black. or white, or mexican, or gay, or rich or poor. those kinds of things couldnt mean less to me. rather, im fascinated by obamas socialist ideals. i find the idea of socialism to be good and beneficial, so to be young while such practices might be implemented in the united ive always wondered what it was like to live through things like the USSR or WWII or the French Revolution. did those people know that the things that went on in their world, the politics that their parents debated at the dinner table, the things they chatted about with their friends....the things that were actually going on in the world...if those things would actually be a part of history to come. bush was possibly the worst president in american history. i think, historically, he will be one of those leaders, like for instance, stalin, who came in to change something and left the whole world wondering, what the fuck were you even thinking? and now that our world [our precious PRINCIPLE OF INTERVENTION >:(] is a such a critical point, im ready to witness some history. congratulations, president obama.
four more days until i see my beloved travis again!
love, kaatie
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4 years ago
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