disclaimer: if you dont want to know what i really think, stop before you start, and kindly close this page. thanks.


rainy days spawn wiseness.

im stressed.. when i go to horse shows i always forget something. but i think im in good shape for this one. tomorrow i leave for the great lakes region mega rally, which is stadium jumping saturday and sunday, then dressage monday and tuesday. im pretty excited, which actually translates to im so nervous i could cry. i dont get nervous, per se, because when im nervous i attack whatever it is with a furious enthusiasm. it works, most of the time. i like challenges, and that helps too. im just gonna grit my teeth and hope, well, belle isnt in one of her moods and jumps clear-ish. belle is my baby, by the way. well, not mine. its complicated. ill explain later. but shes verrry green [which means shes very inexperianced, basically.] so all i can do pretty much is attempt to aim her at the fences and hold on. because she likes to...launch. its comical. dressage should be good.......

horse speak is boring to normal people, lo siento. it rained today, but our softball game wasnt rained out. which basically sucked, because i needed a break. i was so busy today! carroll practice in the morning, then a golf lesson with jeff [putting for an hour and a half...fun. not.], then a jumping lesson with joy [YAY! I LOVE JOY! but i got bucked off], then the game. blech. tirednesss...i do love the rain though. storms in particular. theres just something about the way it sounds, the way the wind blows, the way everyone else runs around...it makes my heart race, even though im not afraid. im not afraid of much, now that i think about it. i just live my life in moments and smiles and kisses, instead of minutes til i die. everyone should live like that, i think. realize that shit happens, and time passes, and nothing can be said or done, truely, in retrospect..look forward, breathe deeply, live fully...

deep shit. think about it for a while.
excuse my, er, i dont even know what that was.

benefit from it, if you wish.
love, kaatie


some thoughts.

soo, nonfans. ive been, uh, reading some other blogs, and mine like, doesnt even come close to their, uhh...coolness? Yeah, apparently, the world of a blogger happens to include like, 14 year old girls that are completely abercrombie-d out. like, yeah, theyre...como se dice..teenie boppers? i think thats what theyre called. anyway. im in good shape. on the coolness level. random story time - when i was in like, 6th grade, i was weird. i accept that now. everyone was, except, if i recall correctly, the kids who wore hollister and abercrombie. now THOSE kids were cool. [JUDGE ME, COOL PEOPLE...AT LEAST I HAVE A FASHION SENSE]. as you can probably gather, i was not one of those kids. because my mom had this like, freaky aversion to abercrombie. apparently their catalouges are full of naked teens. whatever. thank you mom, for not letting me turn into a teenie bopper media droid. because about 8th gradeish, i noticed that alot of girls wore like, the exact same things, which they started wearing at the exact same time. some of my friends had issues with who was wearing the same outfit on the same day. and then later, i noticed that none of that preppy, overpriced [i could go on.] clothes were mysteriously absent from magazines like vouge, elle, [even teen vouge and [if you remember the real mag] ellegirl], and seventeen. yeah. keep searching. you wont find it.

that was a rant. how exciting. rotation came out today. uhh, cute is what we aim for's second album, if you didnt know that. but its good. yo recommendo.

babysitting sucks. i dont know why i do it. yes i do, because i need money to get my fashion fix. but seeeriously, if i had time between everything i do for a real job, id get a real job. because even if my boss was the worst and my hours sucked and i had to clean up after random people for 12 hours at a time...at least there would be people. and i wouldnt have to deal with little kids. i dont think i truely hate kids. i want a kid...a little girl with wavy red hair and a splash of freckles named Roane Shay that i can raise to be really chic and not be cliche. not to be particular. if you have a history of producing such children, lemme know. ANYWAY. im just not good with them. theyre frustrating and when they cry i have no idea what to do and i get bored. ugh. and today..i babysat twice. the pits, let me tell you. this is a lame story. ill stop before i hurt someone.

love, kaatie

loss of a blog virginity.

well. i suppose my first sucess is getting someone to this page. SWEET ACTION. so now i have to think of something to blog about. no promises, but im guessing that this will be sort of a bad tetris of music, fashion, boys, problems, drama, and other whatnot that will be somewhat unrelatable to the average person. but thats ok. i never said this was going to be interesing.

but it might be. like, it would be tight if i became an internet celeberity like william sledd [a very sexy gay guy, for those of you who dont know him. youtube that.] or perez hilton. soo if you like this, like, spread the word? i dont know how one goes about being famous.

about me, if you were wondering: uhm, im cute? lol, no. or maybe. hopefully. im not average, or at least i dont want to be average. because when i see average, i usually cringe. i like politics [liberal independent. on what seems to be the main issues: abortion=pro choice. the war in iraq=why does america think it has the right to take over the world? gay marraige=all for it.] i define tolerace and dont judge people, as a general rule. i think im funny. i like to talk. and write. and play sports [golf, eventing, softball, ice hockey.] i like art that makes you think and feel, and i like fashion. shopping is boss on snowdays. boyfriends are cool, but mine is better. i want to go to art school. music is life, and without it, im usually in a bad mood. bands of the moment...we the kings, cobra starship, metro station, the medic droid, forever the sickest kids, the juliana theory, and something corporate. others. too many to list. maybe ill blog about that later. anyway. i dont like hypocrites, and i hate people that are fake. cliche is generally icky, unless its zach and his cornyness. thats cute. i can babble....english and spanish.

thats a good intro, if i do say so myself. i basically amazing, so read again, i suppose.
thanks a billion, readers, friends, enemies, and randoms.
love, kaatie